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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

What Next?

So, what next?  President Trump gave a reasonable speech yesterday and offered compromise to work with to open the government. Prior to the speech, Pelosi was already speaking against it.  Now, there is word that she and Democrats won't work with it.  They continue to blame Trump for the Government shutdown, yet it is them not compromising.  Their hatred runs deep.  They are putting Illegals, those who violate the law to get here, above Americans.  They complain about government workers out of work, but stubbornly resist everything presented!  Trump donates his paychecks to Federal Agencies.  Pelosi keeps hers and takes vacations. It is true, that Democrats wanted border security fencing years ago, before Trump.  But now Trump is in office, so they say "No!". 

This long Government shutdown is going to lead to further problems than we are already having right now.  When the president listed the facts yesterday regarding what is happening at our border, it is true and it is about security.  The facts, these people have never been able to acknowledge.  We had addressed this safety issue long ago at this site.  Finally, we have someone dealing with it, but sadly he is getting backlash for it!  Thankfully, he is a strong individual.  The passing of the full blame onto him with Pelosi and Democrats holding no accountability is outrageous!  However, the longer this goes on, as they refuse to budge, the more clear it will be.  Americans should not have to suffer the consequence of this ridiculous behavior, but we will!  Let's stay strong and unite.  We have our voice, and our rights. 

God Bless America!

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