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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Blog posts June 2016

The Brexit vote ignites talk about 'freedom'

The Brexit vote ignites talk about freedom because they are freeing themselves from the European Union.  As Americans watch the empowerment from their choice, there is the reminder of Independence and a reflection of wanting freedom from the many issues that engulf us.  It is true that illegal immigration was part of what led to people wanting change, as it is here.  There is not freedom feeling trapped by an invasion or loss of safety from an influx of criminals being released or  loss of jobs to foreigners.  An imbalance with Veterans dying waiting for care or elderly struggling to pay healthcare costs and hard working Americans paying taxes toward benefits for those who violated laws to get here or towards the millions it cost to transport illegals around the country.

There is not freedom with political correctness restricting people more by the day and bringing about change to the values of our country.  There is not freedom when a political party decides they will impose their wishes on 'everyone' and it must be that way.  Watching the Constitution be violated and the loss of rights looming to be taken.  There is certainly not freedom when we lose law and order and those of highest office are not held accountable.  Americans are tired of the corruption and want accountability.  It is our lives on the line, our lives being impacted, our safety, our finances, our security. 

Freedom is not for the criminals who are allowed to invade or criminals released from jails or criminals released by judges who have multiple offenses to walk our streets with law abiding citizens.  Freedom is for those who respect the law.  Freedom is not trying to control others to a particular belief or destroy another's righteous lawful tradition.  It is also not about removing historic monuments, statues, flags to fit one group's 'desire'.  Freedom of speech comes with being able to speak opinion without being labeled wrongly racist.   Freedom is truly about respect for other's way of life that is within the laws without forcing another way upon them. 

When night arrives, people don't want to worry about what they will wake up to witness losing the next day , the next and the next.  United we must be to stand for what we believe in together so there is gain not loss.  Movement forward, not trapped.  We must know that our way of life is not being stolen.  Our laws are expected to be abided by for everyone. There must be security to pursue all the positive things we can for ourselves and our country.  Let there be not another day wasted questioning whether we the people can make this happen and restore freedom and justice.  We can and we will.



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Apologies for the site being down for some time.

Apologies for the technical problems that came about with the site.  It should be working correctly now and it will continue as usual. 

Thank you.

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We are losing law and order - Continual reports of criminals with multiple offenses released onto our streets

We are continually hearing about cases and the offender having a long history of multiple offenses, released time and time again to be free on our streets!  How is this justice?  How can our communities be safe with this happening?  Who can possibly say we are not losing law and order?

There is talk about guns.  There is talk about hate crimes.  There is talk about division.  All the while we are not addressing the fact that Judges are releasing hardened criminals with serious multiple offenses to walk free and do what they want.  These individuals should not be free to harm Americans.  Americans have every right to be angry that our lives are put on the line by people known to be a risk who should be in prison.

We have already covered the issue at this site regarding foreign and domestic criminals being released.  Now we must look at the types of crime committed by those released and just how many crimes have been committed prior to release.  We have laws and we have sentences.  All of this is going out the window as we speak!  We must not have a revolving door that eventually leads to such a serious crime of mass casualties, as we have just witnessed.

We as Americans must reach a point when we take a stand in a righteous way to say this needs to stop and it needs to stop now.  We should not accept the fact that our safety is at risk due to reckless decisions that over ride everything our country is about!  The latest case of an individual connected with the event in Orlando will be added in the comments section.  Pay attention to his criminal record in which the Judge thought it to be appropriate he is released.

To comment on at this site, click on comment below any topic.  All that is needed is a poster name and it will still go through.  The site is checked regularly.  It is time to seriously consider uniting in order to take a stance for what is right to restore our freedom in a just way.

God Bless America!

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Technical Issue

The site counter of views has stopped working.  If you are having any trouble navigating through the site, but can still leave a comment, please let us know with a comment under a topic.

Thank you.

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Throughts and prayers with those in Orlando and Americans across the country

Thoughts and prayers are with everyone impacted by the mass shooting in Orlando, FL.  May those who have lost lives, rest in peace and may there be healing for those injured. 

As we continue to hear stories like this it makes us question what we can do to increase safety and decrease the issues of escalating hatred and division here at home.  This is the very reason people are concerned about illegals entering our country, criminals released from prisons and refugees with known ties to terrorism being brought to our communities.  One unstable person did all of this.  People want the reassurance that all of this is taken seriously to help prevent further incidents like this.

It is also a reminder that we need to come together because as mentioned before at this site, we as Americans turning against each other only increases instability.  We must be strong and stand for justice and do what is best for each other and our country.

May God Bless America 

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5 blog posts