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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Blog posts February 2019

Horrid Stories - We must be heard and help save innocent babies

The stories are horrid.  Testimony of injecting a baby as it suffers, then letting it rest before it is then killed?  An undercover video showing woman talk about how the baby is killed and then telling a woman if baby is born, flush the baby down the toilet?  More and more is reported about the horrific details of what happens to these babies.  It is very hard to stomach.  These new late term abortion bills are evil.  If a baby survives an abortion, the baby can still be killed?  It goes on and on.

We the people, who have morals left, must speak up however we can to protect these innocent babies!  It may seem that evil is just taking over all over the place, but we must stand up to it and do the righteous thing!  Also if you disagree with what is happening, please research all those who are voting for this and do not vote for them.  How can we allow this to be happening if we have a conscience? 

They say it is the woman's 'choice'.  No!  We have laws about murder and it is not the woman's choice to allow her baby to be murdered.  This is exactly what is happening!  Planned parenthood allows this.  Please do everything you can to stand up for LIFE.  God granted life on earth and we are blessed.   We the people are strong and must resist these new actions coming about that are beyond words. 

If you would like to give input here, please do.  Click on comment below a blog topic and enter a posting name.  Other fields can be left blank.  Time will vary for it to show up only due to site approval process.  Thank you for your time!


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A POEM to think about

Moral Test


As the wind howls outside in the night

Things thrash around breaking with its might

I think about the good and evil

Raising their faces, showing their will

Brewing like a storm in our country

 A storm bound for landing, not to flee

A time of reckoning is showing

As we watch and we speak without knowing,

What the damage will be when it’s done

Who will survive retaining blessed love?

Who will hold onto faith from above?

Pleas for justice are calling abound

Some facts disappear without a sound

Spreading truth, not games, mean the most now

To hold onto it, through this somehow

Faith is the answer, restoring hope

As we travel this slippery slope

Let us not forget our core values

In the whirlwind of hatred on news

As the wind howls, keep calm inside

Emerge from conflict, knowing we tried

The truth is the seed within your heart

Do not let it go or break apart

This influential turmoil is strong

Many choices to make right or wrong

With every single moral test,

Winds may be strong, so let’s do our best



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We must ignore the lie regarding no crisis at our border and speak up!

We MUST ignore the false narrative and lies about there being no crisis at our border.  The border patrol chief spoke out about how bad the crisis is, including the large area they do not even know what is coming in.  The ranchers and border wives have spoken out with invitations to Pelosi to come to there and see what it is like.  Investigators handling human trafficking cases have reported the human traffickers taking women and children across the border to be abused daily. 

Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger was deployed the National Guard and reported that what he saw was disturbing.  He spoke about the groups of illegals and the drugs.  The pentagon ordered more troops to be deployed to the border.  There are multiple reports and witnesses to the crisis at our border.  It is outrageous the media spin such lies to try to convince people there is no crisis.  Of course it is also outrageous there is so much obstruction happening with securing our border too!

*We the people can do our part by spreading the truth.  Listen to the truth tellers.  Research.  Speak out and never stop speaking!  Do not be bullied into silence.  We have the freedom of speech.  We have the right to spread the truth.  Please, speak and spread the truth wherever you can and you are welcome to speak up here too.  We must unite in truth to fight the evil actions going on and defend our country and be safe.  If you would like to leave a comment, please click on comment below any blog topic.  Enter a poster name and it will go through. Other fields can be left blank. Time varies for the comment to show at the site, due to the site approval process.  Thank you for your time!


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It is our responsibility as true Americans

If we disapprove of all the long term corruption we are faced with, going back to Obama and that which continues now, it is in fact our responsibility as citizens of the United States to consistently speak out and demand justice! We can sit in frustration, complain and feel powerless or we can unite together for what is RIGHT in a lawful way, by right! With all that has happened and gone unchecked without responsibility combined with what we are faced with now, we are teetering in a fragile position as to whether we truly come out of this mess and make America great again or fall in a very bad way. We cannot rely on one leader or a few people to do it. We must join with them with all our support and all our inner strength together. I have continuously talked about uniting, because that is what it takes. If we are true Americans who care about saving our country, this is exactly what we will do! If you are reading this, please take the time to show us your support by participating and commenting. Your voice matters, your opinions are important and we thank you for taking the time to be here. Just click on comment below any blog topic. Pick a posting name to use and you can leave other fields blank. Comments vary in time to show up only due to the approval process coinciding when we are available. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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Supporters of our president are not Patriots???

Here is an example of what is happening.  I watched the video of the rally Maxine Waters had.  She literally told the crowd supporters of our president are not patriots, we don't care about the country or what is right.  Then, she continued to incite the crowd.  This is rude, outrageous and so very wrong!  To insult supporters of our president who care about our country very much in this way is unacceptable! 

This is all the more reason, we need to unite in large numbers to stand peacefully with American Flags to show our support for our country.  This really has gone too far.  The labels being cast on us who are good people, who care about what is best for our country and fellow Americans is spreading far.  First we are 'racist'. Then, we are 'hateful' (as they spew hatred themselves), now we are not Patriots and do not care for our country or what is right?

We MUST show them differently!  If you would like to leave a comment, just click on comment below any blog topic.  All that is needed is a posting name.  Other fields can be left blank and it will go through.  Time varies due to the site set up approval process.  Thank you for your time!


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Obama's Scandals

More and more information is coming out about Obama's scandals in addition to what is already covered in the prior topics at this site.  Which is also leading people to demand Justice. 

*If you want us to start a petition for his arrest, please let us know.

Comments are made by clicking on 'comment' below a blog topic.  All that is needed is a name to post and other fields can be left blank.  Time varies for it to show up at the site because of the site approval process.

2 Big Donors of Obama were recently arrested:

Thank you!

God Bless America!

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Courage not Fear

We should not have to worry re: talking about politics.  Whether we may lose friends or connections old and new.  We should not have to feel guarded and leery to state how we feel!  We have FREEDOM OF SPEECH.  Every one of us has this right.  To speak, to share our opinions of what is going on in our country around us.  If we are not abusing people or slandering, etc, we are not being 'hateful'.  If we are merely stating facts or our opinions, that does not make us bad.  If we use the term 'illegal' for those entering our country 'unlawfully', that does not make us racist.  These people chose to violate the law and therefore it is a fact, they are illegally here.

We need to put aside the labels and continue to fight for what we believe in with courage.  We must not fear what others say and think.  We must not fear how others view us, due to their differing of opinions!  Things are very polarized right now.  Very extreme.  I agree, it is very difficult to bridge this division.  However, we should not let it silence us.  Staying silent will not help anything.  We may need to learn how to respectfully disagree and not 'react' to others extreme behavior, but if we want things to get better, we must NOT stay silent.

Enjoy the freedom of speech and let yourself free by speaking.  We are in times when all voices matter and when we are united, all voices become one very loud voice that cannot be ignored.  Not because we are yelling, but because we have shown what we defend and believe - Together.

Feel free to make a comment on any of the blog topics here, by clicking on comment below the topic.  All that is needed is a name for posting a comment and other fields can be left blank.  Time varies for it to show up at the site, due to the website approval system.  Thank you for your time.


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Make Them Explain

Notice how the news covers all the 'disapproval' for the border security wall, but does not cover the reasons why?  These Democrats wanted the wall before.  Yet, none are explaining the exact reasons they oppose it now. 

We need to make them explain.  That means even going to the Democrat Presidential Candidate events and asking WHY?  Many questions why, actually.  Why do you oppose having a border security wall?  Why do you allow violation of the immigration law?  Why do you approve of giving free care to illegals when there are Americans losing their homes due to healthcare costs?  Why do you allow organized crime to come across the border, knowing they are making it here to our communities?  Why don't you visit the ranchers and border agent's wives who have requested visits to see what is happening?  The question as to why they are opposing border security in so many ways, needs to be addressed.

We the people can sit and do nothing, as was done through most of the Obama Administration. But, if that is the choice made with all these things we dislike, we will face the consequences.  We have to take steps to challenge what is shoved upon us that we disagree with.  We have to make our voices heard.  Doing nothing, will accomplish nothing.  One person, such as President Trump cannot fix all this mess we are in.  It takes numbers and we must unite.  Any feedback or ideas you have are welcome at this site.  I do ask you to think about what you are willing 'to do' for our country.

If you would like to comment, click on the comment icon below the blog topic.  All that is needed is a poster name. No other information is required for the comment to go through. Time varies for it to show, as it is approved first.  Thank you for visiting.

God Bless America!

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WE THE PEOPLE must Make America Great Again!

I have always said, it can't only be one person, one president.  We are up against a very extreme agenda, that stems back to Obama.  Thank God President Trump is taking action for what is right for our country to make America great again and we the people need to also.  This means:

We need to unite with our president.

We need to speak up and take action wherever we can.

We need to unite together to support each other for the values of our country.

We need to vote for those who are working hard for 'our country'.

We need to support the pursuit of truth and justice.

We need to stay strong, not give up and keep faith.

Part of uniting includes participating at this site open for Americans to speak up and support each other.  You don't have to want to march with an American Flag, even though one day, it would be nice.  It starts simple, with communication, commenting on topics here, offering ideas, connecting!  We the people must contribute whatever we can toward making America Great Again and doing what is right for our country and our communities.

The more  President Trump takes action, the more the extreme agenda of others is exposed.  We must stand up to it and never give up.  If we care about our country, our safety, our freedom and justice, me must participate however we can.  Thank you for your time, if you are reading this.  We are average Americans wanting to make a positive difference and there are many other true Americans out there who want to as well.

To leave a comment, click on comments below a blog 'topic'.  All that is needed is a posting name.  Other fields can be left blank and it will still go through.  Time varies for approval.  This is not a place for hatred and slander.  It is a place for positive action and voices to be heard.

Thank you,




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Best News Of The Day!


Lindsey Graham getting ready to dig into Obama's past.  THANK YOU Lindsey Graham.  This is long overdue!  Feel free to look back on our site and see what we were following as he was in office.  We also had a petition going back then to have him impeached.  We always firmly believed that he should be held accountable!  This is very important.

Even now, he is still working behind the scenes with counseling democrats, as LA Times reported today.  He has wanted to transform America and impose a radical agenda upon us and as he did this, laws were violated in the over reach with many scandals throughout his presidency! 

Hopefully, the new Attorney General will be helpful with this pursuit as well. 

We the people thank you!


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And you wonder where all this radical agenda is coming from lately?...Obama...


I have been saying for a while, that Obama is working behind the scenes with these Democrats.  He wants to keep his agenda going to transform America and he is NOT done.

Tell us what you think!

To comment, just click on 'comment' below the blog topic.  Then use a poster name.  Other information is not required for it to go through.  Time varies for it to show up due to approval.  The only way to make a positive difference fully is to participate.  This is open for discussion and ideas, uniting and connecting. Not for other reasons.  It is a place where hatred or slander is not allowed.   A place to seek truth and stand for the values of our country.   We look forward to hearing from you. 

Thank you



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Tell Us What You Think...

Every blog topic here has a comment section to give your input.  However, this one is specifically written to seek feedback on this issue regarding our border.  New topics are added continually lately, so ...there will be more to comment on if you choose something else.  It would also be good to get feedback regarding commenting in general.  We have many views, with lack of input.  We can't know the reason unless it is mentioned.  Thanks

The Democrats are continuously saying every day, there is no crisis at our border.  I watched a meeting with agents and President Trump covering the human trafficking issue.  Human traffickers coming across the border with women bound and gagged who are raped every day.  Children brought across and taken to porn rings, abused!  There are agents finding them in NY and CA.  There are counselors dealing with these horrific stories.  Might I add, these are the same foreign women and children who the Democrats claim to care about, continuously bringing up how they are treated.  But what about this?  My question:  Do you consider this issue a crisis? 

They also say the drugs are coming in the ports of entry.  Yes, there are drugs stopped there.  However, there are drugs coming across open areas of the border too and that is how they are reaching cities all over the country where there is a drug crisis.  Americans dying from potent drugs. This is why ranchers invited Pelosi to come to their homes and pay for her ticket to see the drug smugglers coming through their yards.

Then, we have the backlog of 800,000 illegal cases already in our courts, with multi thousands more trying to enter our country illegally.  How do you think we can hold up to this?  Do you consider this fact a crisis?  There is talk about the crime in our country being more from Americans than Illegals.  We are not discounting crime in our country and clearly we are for justice.  However, why are people choosing to add to it, by welcoming more criminals? 

When we have outbreaks from diseases that come in with the illegals, do you consider that a crisis?  Is it going to take a huge epidemic to be considered a crisis? 

6 dangerous illegals were just arrested in North Carolina for running an organized drug ring. These are the people being welcomed in and spread around our country. Democrats are not immune to this like they think. Now California is ready to sue over the declaration for our border, with other states that may follow. All proving, they do not care about Americans safety.

If you have input to offer regarding the border issue and the complex situation it is as to whether it is a crisis, please leave a comment.  Comments are only accepted here for uniting Americans and offering the opportunity to speak up, nothing else.  By commenting, you are not required to do anything.  This is only to bring us together, share ideas, support, talk.  Look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you.

God Bless America.

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Trump has become a scapegoat for what Obama has done

If you look back on the topics of this blog during the Obama Administration, you will recall what was going on then.  Many things, he was not held accountable for.  President Trump is elected and now becomes a scapegoat for all that Obama did.  People obstruct all that he does, do not give him credit for his achievements and hypocritically call him a dictator!  What?  Today, Trump is declaring a National Emergency for legitimate reasons regarding our border security.  Obama passed over 200 Executive orders and declared over 10 National Emergencies.  Did you see anyone complain about Obama's overreach?  No.

Now, Democrats are up in arms about a National Emergency Declaration.  Once again, supporting the violation of laws by immigrants crossing our border.  Once again, not caring about the safety of Americans.  Discounting the gang members crossing our border, discounting the drugs crossing our border, even through ranchers yards.  By the way, ranchers invited Nancy Pelosi to come to their homes, pay for her ticket to get there, to see what is happening and she refused.  No-one talks about this though.  The democrats discount the disease outbreaks and what an epidemic would mean for our country.  They have proven not to care.  They endlessly support foreigners violating the law to come here regardless of the consequence!

It was actually sad today to watch our president speak of his achievements that he has received no recognition for and also no applause.  Our president fighting to keep our country safe, having to continuously 'defend' himself for doing so!  He is endlessly slandered, blamed and criticized.  He is accused of causing division that Obama had already created.  He is attacked for everything he does to try to help our country and clean up this mess we are in.  Shame on those who have turned their backs on the values of our country.  Shame on those who ignore facts from border agents , law enforcement , ranchers and angel mom's regarding our border!  The way our president is being treated is outright wrong and to scapegoat him for all that has been mentioned in this blog earlier on is awful.

He is fighting hard for our country but cannot do it alone.  If we believe in restoring and maintaining the core values of our country, we must unite together and participate.  I have seen many views here, but not much commenting, since this site re-started.  This is where it begins and it is a choice. 

If you have any input, please leave a comment by clicking on comments below the topic. All that is needed is a poster name.  No other information is required.  Time varies for comments to show waiting approval.  Thank you for taking the time to visit. 

God Bless America!

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This mess we are in: We Must Unite

This mess we are in now, is the result of the actions during the last administration.  You can look back on the topics in this blog and documentation to follow some of the highlights of developments when Obama was in office.  So, this is what we are dealing with now and it certainly is a mess.  We must stand with President Trump who is working hard for our country through this mess. 

However, in order to do this, we must unite.  We cannot just complain at sites. It takes connecting with each other and the only way to do that is to come together, to participate here, with comments and input.  This site always had very high viewing in the past, but minimal comments.  We continue to put in information, because we like to be informed and do whatever we can in a positive way. 

But in order to do the right thing about all that is happening to our country right now, we have to build numbers uniting and actually work together.  It is everyone's choice who reads this.  We can support each other, hold onto strength and move forward in a united way!  It is clear, many people are fed up, angry and tired of all that is happening. For good reason!  This is a place to talk about it, to help each other stay positive, have hope and continue to try. 

If you have made it here, please take the time to leave a comment under any of the blog topics.  Just click on comment and all you need to enter is a posting name.  No other information is required.  It will be posted after being filtered and approved, because we are not going to have hatred or any verbal assaults going on here.  That is all.  Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you!



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Atmosphere of Hatred

We are certainly living through an atmosphere of 'hatred'.  Honestly, this division started with Obama.  This mess we are dealing with now, also stems from the Obama Administration.  All it takes is looking back on prior documentation in this blog.  However, here we are trying to clean up this mess and turn things around and the hatred has escalated. 

It is completely unacceptable for those who care about the safety of our country to be labeled racists, haters, etc.  We who look at the facts regarding the border invasion, do care about people. In fact, we care very much for the illegal women bound and gagged by human smugglers and raped daily.  We care about the children heading to the border, taken by Human Smugglers to porn rings to be abused.  But, we don't hear those opposing border security talking about that!  We care about laws!  We as Americans must abide by the laws or there is consequence and there is no difference with others.  But, those who want immigrants to illegally violate the law to come to our country as they please (for what they want to get here) laws do not matter.  So, if we care about justice, that does not make us hateful people. 

It is a sad place we are in, when people are verbally attacked for wanting to protect our country, stand by our country values and protect American lives.  So yes, there is an inappropriate level of hatred spinning and we will not allow it here at this site.  Hatred, division and lies are not going to help our country by any means.  We do our best to present the facts here.  We have always believed in uniting in a peaceful way for our country with all we are faced with.  The nonsense needs to stop.  However, there is nothing we can do about those who oppose these things, who refuse to listen to facts.

So, if you are feeling discouraged by everything that is going on, this is the place to speak, vent, give ideas and support each other.  There are views increasing, since we re-started the site.  However, participation is what will make it more successful.  We will keep up with it as we choose and enter information.  Comments are important in order to work toward making a positive difference and together we can.  If you choose to comment, all that is needed is a posting name.  The other fields can be left blank.  Time varies for the comments to show up due to being approved first.  Thank you for visiting.

God Bless America!


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Border Update

If you look back on prior posts, you will see the issues addressed regarding illegal immigration, during the Obama Administration.  The surges truly started there, when the DACA policy was passed.  Even word got out in Central America, they could come here this way.  In addition, although we had border agents, Obama ignored the diseases reported, the gang member issues, etc.  Instead, he transported them all over the country.  Aided them into our communities.  Drugs made it into cities all around the country and we witnessed the drug crisis in areas there after.  Over time, American children got sick from the diseases, many people have died from overdose due to powerful drugs brought here.  All the while, there were also Americans unable to afford their homes due to their own healthcare costs, while illegals were provided free medical care.  Here we are now with a backlog of 800,000 cases with illegals in our courts!

As you can see, these surges of caravans have increased.  Thousands of illegals are coming here right now.  As they find open areas to illegally cross the border, more drugs are smuggled into the country.  Human Trafficking has increased.  I watched a meeting President Trump had with agents, and those working with victims.  These Human Traffickers are taking women across the border and raping them daily.  Human traffickers are taking children across the border into pornography rings to be abused.  It is sickening.  They have found some of this going on in New York and California.  Some Americans have been killed by illegals with criminal records.  But, they were given the green light to come here, so they have and they continue to.  The law is being ignored with pleas to help these people who have not gone through the proper process to come here.

Many will try to say this 'invasion' is not real.  Those who do, are not listening to law enforcement, border agents, DHS, counselors or the pentagon.  Many keep defending the children these parents brought all these miles to our border.   However, you don't see them complaining about the children becoming victimized by human traffickers.  These illegal immigrants believe they can come here, be provided for, get healthcare and everything they need.  There are people here who seem to think this is what we should do, regardless of the law!

Our country cannot hold up to this.  Our courts are backlogged.  Law enforcement must deal with all this in addition to what we already have going on here.  Then, we have the cost of taking care of these people with housing, medical needs, etc.  This has become a priority for some people over the needs of citizens here.  Veterans, our homeless, healthcare for those who need it, etc.  It is not that people who want to secure the border with a wall, are racist or uncaring.  It is reasonable for people to want the border secured for our own safety and to expect the law to be enforced as it would be for any of us!  How fair is this for those who went through the proper legal process to come here?

As far as the diseases.  People are coming from Central America with illnesses that cause outbreaks here.  Is it going to take an epidemic happening that wipes out thousands of people in our country?  Actually what is it going to take?  I just listed off serious things that are not concerning to those who want to enable this to continue.  Right now a shelter in Mexico is housing many from the most recent caravan.  However many more came to our open border areas.  Reports of children only age 3 and below trying to cross a river with border agents having to save them.  Most recently, American supporters of a secure border have actually gone to the border to stand there, hand in hand, as a human wall sort of speak.

Any country deserves to defend their border.  It is common sense to stop organized criminal activity such as gang members, drug smugglers, human traffickers, etc.  It is a valid threat to our society.  The others are still responsible for violating the law coming here illegally too.  It has to be stopped.  All this is happening even with law enforcement and border agents.  The wall would help stop this. It is a critical issue with more caravans on the way.  Whether it increased from Obama's actions and became part of the transformation of our country that he vowed would happen, it is a mess of a situation that must be taken seriously right now!

It is sad to see that hatred spun by the media, directed at our president or false reports minimizing the situation are keeping people from seeing the truth or wanting what is best for fellow Americans.  This site is for uniting those who care about our country and the well being of American Citizens.  Our families, friends, neighbors.  This site has always been about Justice and freedom.  Any input in a positive way at this site is helpful.  Feel free to comment with what you have witnessed happen from this invasion, or ideas you may have. We would also love to hear more info. from those right at the border. We must come 'together' at a time that is even more divided than the division Obama once started. 

We can do this.  We can communicate and figure out how to make a positive difference.  Either way, we are going to be dealing with the repercussions of this.  We deserve to be safe, we deserve our right to freedom of speech.  Feel free to comment by clicking on comments below the topic.  All that is needed is a posting name.  Time will vary with it showing up, only because of being approved first.  In time, we may get the live chat started again too.  Earlier on we did have that going on here too. ** Many people do want a march to stand for the values of our country. **  It takes many willing to participate together.  We have to start somewhere, so lets start here! 

Thank you!

God Bless America!


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Sanctity of Life

It is very difficult for me to write this post. Because, to be honest with you - the late term abortion bill makes my stomach turn.  It brings an array of questions to mind.

What have we become to allow this to happen?  When exactly did the turning point happen?  What actually goes on in the minds of those who think this is ok?

To dive into the details of such an atrocity, really makes one question how far is this evil going to go?  How many people opposing, will sit back and watch it happen?

There are so many other ways addressed at this site earlier on, to show the breakdown of Justice.  The corruption, lawlessness and illegal things spinning out of control.

But, when it comes to a defenseless innocent baby, the gift of life, stripped away by murder at its earliest stage, it is an incomprehensible depth of injustice and brutality

I read in the New York bill, it can be done by a nurse practitioner, medical assistant or midwife, as this disease of immorality spreads outward to those beyond doctors.

Now, there is an ongoing effort of this disease spreading state to state, to pass late term abortion bills.  The bill in Vermont was drafted by Planned Parenthood to legislators.

It is evident, planned parenthood is pushing for this to happen.  Somehow rationalizing murder?  We the people, must do everything we can for our voices to be heard.

We must do all the research we can to see what is being proposed in our area.  Communication with those who care is key.  It is happening fast and it is too important to ignore.

If you have any input on this topic or update from where you live, please feel free to leave a comment, by clicking on comments below this topic.  Thank you!

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Never Give Up!

I have always believed that when you believe in something to be right, to fight for it and to never give up.  No matter what you are up against, to hold onto your faith and truth.  It even led me to the idea of this site long ago as it has many other things I have done with my life. 

I could really identify with this video from President Trump and found it to be very inspirational.  So, I decided to add it in here for other visitors to see.  Enjoy!


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Welcome to our site.  This has recently been re-started, so periodically there is this reminder to welcome new people here. 

If you have opinions, insight, suggestions or just want to talk about what is happening in our country, feel free to comment.

This site is about uniting.  Verbal attacks are not permitted so anything that is hateful toward others will not be posted.  Time varies for comments to show at the site, after first being approved.

We are in some critical times.  It has been a progression of division for a long time now.  We must stay strong and do our best.

God Bless America!

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A Positive Message!

President Trump's state of the union address spread a positive message loud and clear.  Unity!  This is what has been discussed at this site.  This is what we need to do.  If we care about the values of our country, we must unite!  If we believe in justice and care about having a lawful society, we must unite!  If we care about human lives, freedom, safety and God, we must unite!

We the people have a choice whether we allow the division and negativity to get the best of us or we choose to come together and stand for what we believe in to save our country.  We can sit back and watch things deteriorate or we can speak up and stand strong together!  I know there is much hatred out there happening.  People are turning against each other in ways that will never solve anything.   This site was never about hatred.  It has been about truth, justice, unity and freedom.  It is about trying to do what is right.  We care about what is happening all around us.

If you find your way to this site, please spread the word.  This site is not associated with a domain.  All of our activity earlier on was from word of mouth.  It has only recently been re-started.  Feel free to comment on any of the topics, old or new.  All that is needed is a posting name.  No other information is required.  Time varies for the comment to show up, because it is approved first.   Let's remember, we are One Nation Under God.  We will keep trying to do our best and we must never give up!


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20 blog posts