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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

What did they get for it?

Most folks would ask, what did who get for what?  This is an atrosity in itself, but that is another story.    We recently watched as Obama's trade deal, TPA, Part#4, the most important part, was voted on and declined.   We thought the people had spoken and, 'We don't want this deal', was the answer.  But, we were wrong.  They took Part#4, rearranged it and included it in with another bill.  This time it passed.  Hmmm, what had changed so drastically that now it was passable?  Well, from recent reports, the answer is, money.
First let's look at what they, being Congress, Senate, Legislature, already get from and by the American populous, for whom they are suppose to be working for.
Congressmen and women, in both the House and Senate receive, per year, $174,000.  With exception of the Minority Leader and Majority Leader who both receive $193,400, and the Speaker of the House, who receives $225,000.
State Legislatures receive no net salary, instead are compensated in varied amounts and sources.  The lowest paid is from New Mexico, receiving no salary, but does get a $159.00 per diem, per day.  See included link below for complete break down and amounts.

The retirement benefits are according to years of service and chosen retirement plans.  But, as described in one source, it is like a 401k on steroids.  There are many articles and break downs of the retirement benefits of politicians.
Well, now lets look at, 'What they got for it'.  As I stated before it was money.   Ohio Republican and Speaker of the House, John Boehner, received 5+ million for his, 'Yes', vote.  Kevin McCarthy, Republican from California, received 2.4 million for his, 'Yes', vote.  Paul Ryan, Republican from Wisconsin, received 2.4 million for his, 'Yes', vote.  Pat Tiberi, Republican from Ohio, received 2.4 million for his, 'Yes', vote.
Now, on the other side on the isle, there are those who were to receive an amount of money for a, 'Yes', vote but still voted, 'Nay', and received no compensation.  For example, Joe Crowley, Democrat from New York, Andy Harris, Republican from Maryland.  I am including a link to this information.
And the big question, Where did this money come from?  A couple sources were, Security Investors, Investment companies and big Banking companies.
So, what it boils down to, in my opinion, is this, It is no longer for the people and by the people.  It is get all you can get while you can because there will be no consequences.

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