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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

WE THE PEOPLE must Make America Great Again!

I have always said, it can't only be one person, one president.  We are up against a very extreme agenda, that stems back to Obama.  Thank God President Trump is taking action for what is right for our country to make America great again and we the people need to also.  This means:

We need to unite with our president.

We need to speak up and take action wherever we can.

We need to unite together to support each other for the values of our country.

We need to vote for those who are working hard for 'our country'.

We need to support the pursuit of truth and justice.

We need to stay strong, not give up and keep faith.

Part of uniting includes participating at this site open for Americans to speak up and support each other.  You don't have to want to march with an American Flag, even though one day, it would be nice.  It starts simple, with communication, commenting on topics here, offering ideas, connecting!  We the people must contribute whatever we can toward making America Great Again and doing what is right for our country and our communities.

The more  President Trump takes action, the more the extreme agenda of others is exposed.  We must stand up to it and never give up.  If we care about our country, our safety, our freedom and justice, me must participate however we can.  Thank you for your time, if you are reading this.  We are average Americans wanting to make a positive difference and there are many other true Americans out there who want to as well.

To leave a comment, click on comments below a blog 'topic'.  All that is needed is a posting name.  Other fields can be left blank and it will still go through.  Time varies for approval.  This is not a place for hatred and slander.  It is a place for positive action and voices to be heard.

Thank you,




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