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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

We must ignore the lie regarding no crisis at our border and speak up!

We MUST ignore the false narrative and lies about there being no crisis at our border.  The border patrol chief spoke out about how bad the crisis is, including the large area they do not even know what is coming in.  The ranchers and border wives have spoken out with invitations to Pelosi to come to there and see what it is like.  Investigators handling human trafficking cases have reported the human traffickers taking women and children across the border to be abused daily. 

Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger was deployed the National Guard and reported that what he saw was disturbing.  He spoke about the groups of illegals and the drugs.  The pentagon ordered more troops to be deployed to the border.  There are multiple reports and witnesses to the crisis at our border.  It is outrageous the media spin such lies to try to convince people there is no crisis.  Of course it is also outrageous there is so much obstruction happening with securing our border too!

*We the people can do our part by spreading the truth.  Listen to the truth tellers.  Research.  Speak out and never stop speaking!  Do not be bullied into silence.  We have the freedom of speech.  We have the right to spread the truth.  Please, speak and spread the truth wherever you can and you are welcome to speak up here too.  We must unite in truth to fight the evil actions going on and defend our country and be safe.  If you would like to leave a comment, please click on comment below any blog topic.  Enter a poster name and it will go through. Other fields can be left blank. Time varies for the comment to show at the site, due to the site approval process.  Thank you for your time!


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