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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

We must be brave, not afraid!

For a long time now we have watched the deterioration of our country.  People are stating our country is no longer what it used to be.  That may be true. Well it can be as we know it but we have let ourselves get stuck by all the turmoil, chaos, political correctness and shocking transformation.  Bottom line is, we do not accept what is happening on all levels and we have a right to say so.  But to think, people are afraid to take a stand  , march and speak because of getting 'shot'??  I can see why activity has been limited on and off here.

Now, this is not the America we know if we feel we cannot speak in fear of getting shot!  We are innocent Americans who want what is best for our country and each other.  We must not be afraid.  We must be brave to take a stand with the rights we are granted and march together for everything we believe. We must demand the violations to be stopped.   We cannot sit back just watching all these things we consider to be immoral happening.  Our military has been weakened, many fired.  Our veterans have died waiting for help.  Our law enforcement has been targeted , regulated and killed.  Our cities have been burned.  American citizens are getting assaulted and killed by invaders. ETC.

Our lives are at risk by criminals that are now empowered.  The risk of getting 'shot' is actually more from the very criminals allowed to cross our border or rioting in our streets or by the criminals released from our prisons in an ordinary day!  All this is happening.  We believe laws have been violated with much over reach by this administration.  Many of us believe there is too much time left of this going on for the safety of our country! Now is the opportunity to turn this around this year.

We can rise up.  In order to do this we must march with millions of voices to be heard .  It takes sacrifice . It takes the 'will' to stand for and with Law Enforcement , Military  American citizens , all for law and order!  It takes participation to plan this.  That is why this site is here.  We have the freedom to do this and we can't lose touch with the fact that we do have freedom of speech.  We have the right to stand for truth and justice and for those who serve us too.

The question is.  Will you?  Are you going to watch this anymore?  Are you going to wait for worse to happen?  We also must show the new presidential candidates everything that we will not tolerate anymore.  That which we find unacceptable.  We must blatantly show what we want for this country and put a stop to this destructive path right now by demanding 'accountability'. 

If this site has to be moved, changed, revised, then it can be.  I know there are people who see the truth are either on the verge of giving up or ready to finally be heard.  Either way. This is not just a 'vision' for us.  This is a work of action here, that must take place out there , together!  It is time.  Many know that we cannot afford to wait.   I am not just speaking to you who are reading this.  I am ready to join the rest of you out there who have had enough and want to be heard.  I will be there.

Start by leaving a comment.  Just click on comment below the blog topic and give your input.  If you don't want to enter info. in the other sections, that is fine.  It will go through and time varies for it to show up at the site.  Feel free to look back on prior topics and comments from average Americans who are not affiliated with anything radical.  This is how it will continue to be.

Thank you for being here!  I know many view this without commenting, but you may have an idea for the site, or an American Flag march that will help.  We must find a way to march together with our AMERICAN FLAGS and know that we took a stand when our country needed it the most. 


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