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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

We are true Americans and we will not stand down.

This site was created for Americans to unite.  We are not a radical site or religious site.  We are not pushing for any political party.  We see what is going wrong for our country and we want to come together.  I say that we will not stand down, because there has been a lot of backlash with talking about 'uniting' in other blog sites.  If we disagree with things that are happening, why should we be called, racists, criminals, domestic terrorists or numerous other names?  Many people know there is increasing division in our country coming about every day.  Many people are discouraged to see the path we are on.  Recently marines were killed at the recruiting center and it took days for the flag to be lowered for them.  Now, Veterans, Law enforcement and citizens who are  uniting by standing outside to protect recruitment centers are told to stand down?  Why?  Why is it there is a constant battle against Americans uniting?

This is the United States of America.  We should be united with moving forward.  The division is tearing us down.  The assaults on people who speak the truth is creating an atmosphere of outright hatred.  Americans have a lot to say and should not fear speaking.  This site is an opportunity to speak, vent, share thoughts and ideas.  We have opinions.  We believe in Justice and public safety.  If it has come to this being 'wrong', then our country is in more trouble than we think.  We have the right to peaceful public assembly.  That's right, we have the right to march together with American Flags!  We are not criminals or rioters.  We have held jobs that either stand for Justice or with oath for this country.  It is very disheartening to see intimidation being used towards those who speak out about injustice or problems with our National Security, etc.

We the people have the right to freedom of speech.  We have the right to defend ourselves.  We have the right to speak up regarding wrong doing that we may witness!  It is wrong for others to categorize us with false accusations.  It is wrong for us to be targeted in any way for speaking truth appropriately.  We must not be bullied into silence.  We live in this country and our rights are no different than any other citizens.  I must ask why illegals and criminals are now gaining more support than those of us who are law abiding or have served this country?  We are not going to stop doing what is right.  We may be up against corruption and  reckless activity by those who want to stop us from being American.  Let me tell you, it will not work.

If you would like to leave a comment, click on comment below the blog topic and give input.  It will go through with only a poster name and other fields left blank. 

There is also a live chat for conversation in the moment.  Comments can also be left there , even when it isn't active.

Let's never give up and take the time to UNITE.

God Bless America!

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