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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

We are Mocked for having FEAR?

Thousands of Illegals with criminal records, gang members, domestic felons , criminals with multiple offenses and refugees infiltrated by ISIS are allowed on our streets.  Black Lives Matter march , threatening police acting on violence and revenge as police are gunned down.  AND we are mocked for acting on FEAR?  Let me tell you, fear is a natural human emotion.  In fact it is an instinct that allows people to be 'vigilant' to stay safe.  It is DENIAL that may get people killed! 

It is beyond comprehension that people would be mocked for being afraid when we have been put in the position to watch our backs because thousands of criminals are being released and empowered by the day!  Just today, with the police shooting in California, people are told to stay in their homes as other suspects are sought.    But have no fear?  Two children just lost their father, another police officer murdered and must fear what is going on - but have no fear?

To put our lives on the line and then complain that we are acting on fear and should not be demanding what we are is as sick as it gets!  By the way, the Black Lives Matter movement has proven to be acting in revenge , NOT JUSTICE.   We, law abiding citizens are the ones who want true Justice.  In addition , ALL LIVES MATTER.  The BLACK LIVES MATTER movement has just recently proven to disagree with that.  Police in Somerville , MA stood for ALL LIVES.  They would like to have the Black Lives Banner at the city hall (that has been there a year) be replaced with All Lives Matter banner.  The mayor and Black Lives Matter say 'NO'.

UNITY is NOT taking sides with a one way movement like this.  Anyone saying they care about UNITY and backing such one sided behavior are lying.  Americans are tired of the criminals running amok and being empowered!  Americans are tired of losing our police to brutal murderous revenge.  Americans are tired of being falsely accused for such things as racist or fear mongering when the reality is, our society is losing law and order and there is every reason to be afraid, vigilant, angry and outright appalled!

The people responsible for this inciting are not held accountable and now our way of life has changed.  Anyone minimizing this or aiding this are responsible for obstructing justice . public endangerment and putting American lives at risk. That is a fact, not a conspiracy theory.  We are watching this play out day by day with cases to verify the threat that exists.  Try being in the shoes of a police officer being ambushed and tell me there is no fear.  In fact it is WE who have the COURAGE to acknowledge what is happening and speak up.  So to the rest of you:   The LIES need to STOP.  The TRUTH must prevail and real Justice must be served!



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