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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Trump has become a scapegoat for what Obama has done

If you look back on the topics of this blog during the Obama Administration, you will recall what was going on then.  Many things, he was not held accountable for.  President Trump is elected and now becomes a scapegoat for all that Obama did.  People obstruct all that he does, do not give him credit for his achievements and hypocritically call him a dictator!  What?  Today, Trump is declaring a National Emergency for legitimate reasons regarding our border security.  Obama passed over 200 Executive orders and declared over 10 National Emergencies.  Did you see anyone complain about Obama's overreach?  No.

Now, Democrats are up in arms about a National Emergency Declaration.  Once again, supporting the violation of laws by immigrants crossing our border.  Once again, not caring about the safety of Americans.  Discounting the gang members crossing our border, discounting the drugs crossing our border, even through ranchers yards.  By the way, ranchers invited Nancy Pelosi to come to their homes, pay for her ticket to get there, to see what is happening and she refused.  No-one talks about this though.  The democrats discount the disease outbreaks and what an epidemic would mean for our country.  They have proven not to care.  They endlessly support foreigners violating the law to come here regardless of the consequence!

It was actually sad today to watch our president speak of his achievements that he has received no recognition for and also no applause.  Our president fighting to keep our country safe, having to continuously 'defend' himself for doing so!  He is endlessly slandered, blamed and criticized.  He is accused of causing division that Obama had already created.  He is attacked for everything he does to try to help our country and clean up this mess we are in.  Shame on those who have turned their backs on the values of our country.  Shame on those who ignore facts from border agents , law enforcement , ranchers and angel mom's regarding our border!  The way our president is being treated is outright wrong and to scapegoat him for all that has been mentioned in this blog earlier on is awful.

He is fighting hard for our country but cannot do it alone.  If we believe in restoring and maintaining the core values of our country, we must unite together and participate.  I have seen many views here, but not much commenting, since this site re-started.  This is where it begins and it is a choice. 

If you have any input, please leave a comment by clicking on comments below the topic. All that is needed is a poster name.  No other information is required.  Time varies for comments to show waiting approval.  Thank you for taking the time to visit. 

God Bless America!

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