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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Time to Think! What do you want for our country?

It is time to think!  What do you want for our country?  Do you want our country to become a socialist country, like the Democrats are building with their agenda?  Have you seen what has happened to other countries like that?  Do you want to lose your 'freedom'?  Do you want our American values to be destroyed? Because that is exactly what will happen!

By the way, they truly are changing laws fast to allow late term abortions which are equivalent to infanticide now.  They wanted to remove so help you GOD from our oath.  They are pushing a green deal to control whether there are airplanes, push for electric cars, have problems with 'cows', suggest Americans eat less meat, go solar, have windmills, etc, etc.  There have been hate crimes, set up to look like Trump supporters have done them and proven to be 'false'.  They want open borders, regardless of over 800,000 cases backed up in the courts, regardless of criminals, drug dealers, human traffickers getting across open areas.  Regardless of what it cost for this free care these illegals come here for.

Then, we have the lies.  Accusations of racist by supporters of the president, while they are spewing hatred.  Claims the border crisis is manufactured, ignoring the multi-thousands of illegals that came in surges due to Obama's DACA policy he passed with executive order.  Who he had transferred around the country.  Ignoring the major increase in thousands apprehended from the caravans last month.  Yes, they IGNORE the chief of border patrol, border agents, DHS, law enforcement and even angel mom's who lost their children due to illegals killing them!

In order to have One Nation under God with freedom and security, this all must be challenged and stopped!  A lot of it stems from the years of the Obama Administration.  We covered many of the developments as they happened back then, here at this blog.  Sadly, there was no accountability, as there should have been!  Now...we have a mess.  What they do to avoid consequence, is to continue to point the finger at our current president.

I suggest not listening to the media for all the facts, especially when places like CNN have already been proven to put forth false stories.  I suggest you truly research what our president has accomplished.  His ACTIONS.  What he is trying to do, to help our country in this mess.   Actions speak louder than words and the actions he has taken have been ignored also, by all the constant focus on the hateful attacks against him or calling him out on the words he speaks.

But he must have our support to continue to achieve what is best for our country.  We the people must unite to fight for the core values of our country, justice and freedom if that is what you want.  If not, we are truly going down a treacherous path that will destroy not only what our country stands for, but more and more American lives.  Please think about this.  Please participate wherever you can to help.  If you would like to leave a comment here or have positive suggestions, please click on comment below any blog topic. All that is needed is a posting name and the other fields can be left blank.  Time varies for the comment to show, due to the site set up approval process that comes with this particular site address.  Thank you for your time!


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