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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Think about this...

Do you want to be part of a downfall by sitting silent , waiting , hoping this will suddenly stop?  Continuously wondering why it will not?  Do you want to sit and watch the wrongful things done to our country just wishing it was the 'way it used to be'?  Do you want to deny the severity of it with complacency, because maybe you are lucky enough for now that nothing has struck close to your home or rebounded into your life.  Instead maybe you are one who can see it all happening so rapidly with such magnitude that you feel there is nothing that can be done?  We have become accustomed to think that only those who are in the position to take action can and when they don't it is all a complete loss.  We the people who care about saving America are law abiding patriots who make up this country.  So, when those we elect fail us there is actually a rebound.  But, the rebound is the responsibility of ours to stand for what they are not. 

So instead, you can be a part of a calling for people to finally take a stand and say that we have had 'enough'.  We must oppose what we believe is wrong doing.  We must defend our individual rights.  We must make our voices heard together with strength and unity.  It can start with small things and building upon them.  You can buy a flag for  your home or vehicle, give one to a friend.  You can thank a police officer today, for doing his or her duty.  You can give feedback on this site to make connections.  You can pass along this site to those you know who want to be able to be heard and do what is right.  You can get together with those you know to make phone calls to DC.  You can plan to reach out to people in the community and start holding those signs together.  You can think about ideas, statements for signs, letters and documentation to present for the larger march on Washington. 

We have been going through this lawlessness and chaos for too long.  People are tired of it, angered by division and sick of the nonsense.  People are also afraid from watching criminals get away with so much , including the president.  Waves of political correctness roll through our communities as restrictions are slapped upon innocent Americans sometimes for what seem to be the simplest things.  Yet, here we are watching.   We are stricken with what we believe is such evil activity taking place day after day!   BUT:  WE ARE OFFENDED TOO!  We are offended to be lied to.  We are offended that we must take down items that have been in our towns without a problem that mean something to us.  We are offended that we have to worry about disruption by groups that have taken a revengeful path. Who are laying in our streets, burning buildings or looting businesses.  We are offended the illegals are breaking the law to come here and receive benefits that cost money and take from law abiding American citizens.

We are offended this president wants to ignore our constitutional rights.  We are offended that our lives are put at risk with our unsecure border and also Syrian Refugees who will bring the enemy with them to harm us.  We are offended that we are labeled wrongly with slander or official labels for speaking our minds!  This must stop.  We are not a functioning society with criminals running amok.  We are not free if we are trapped by all this transformation and yet have not let our presence be seen and our beliefs be heard!  This is AMERICA.   We are not a Middle Eastern Country.  We will not live with 'dictatorship'.  We have been attacked from within.  We have been weakened by this administration.  This does not mean we the people ....are not strong!  We will not surrender.  Nor can we wait until the next election.

Let us be looked upon as lawful, brave , Americans - UNITED.  We will not take anymore of this!  We abide by laws and expect those who are making the decisions for our country to do the same.  We have had enough negative change put upon us, now we want the change.  We want the priorities to be straight and we want accountability.  There are many things we can stand for.  There are far too many things to say here that must be heard. But, we have to start somewhere and it is NEVER , EVER ...too late!  Just as we will elect the next president of the United States, we will also show that person what we think is right or  wrong and what we expect to happen then too.  This can be shown right now.  If you agree with this, do not wait.  Do not let that day come that you regret you did not try.  We need millions everyone. We need Military, Veterans and Law Enforcement too. Whether it starts in your town, your state,  the online community or here at this site.  It has to start somewhere!

Thank you!  God Bless America!

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