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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

The turning point of removing part of history - The Confederate Flag - and More!

The political correct issues have been building over time.  We are now at a 'turning point'.  Due to a crime committed in a church that led to 9 black people killed in South Carolina, people want the Confederate Flag removed, confederate merchandise removed , more statues removed, etc.  These things have been around so long to represent a part of history.  But, it reminds people of a killer that chose to go in a church, so they feel the right to demand more 'change' in our country.  We are back to the race issues, of a white person harming black people in a church.  There were even reports of 29 Million dollars fast tracked to South Carolina for the victims.  I question the Boston Marathon terrorist attack by individuals who attended a mosque there.  Was money fast tracked in that situation?  Did people demand any changes with symbolism that reminded them of the Boston Bombers who offended them?  What about the individual who attended a Mosque in Oklahoma, then be-headed one woman and attacked another?  Again, was there any assistance?  Actually, I don't believe Obama even spoke about it.

So now, we are changing history, to please people's demands they believe they have a right to make.   This will not change the issue of race that has been re-ignited by Obama and Al Sharpton.  This will not change criminal activity.  In fact this was yet another criminal reported to be connected with drugs and have prior arrests, walking the streets and that issue is not addressed.  We are allowing criminals to run amok.  Obama is releasing foreign criminals onto our streets.  Drugs and criminals continue to come across our unsecure border.  How is changing history and ignoring Americans who it may offend by doing so going to make any difference?  It isn't going to.  It is going to cause more tension.  BECAUSE..... WE HAVE RIGHTS TOO!

- American Veterans have the right to healthcare without wait times that cause their health to deteriorate by neglect or cause their death.

- Law Enforcement has the right to do their job and criminally profile threatening criminals on the street without a backlash from politicians or fear of becoming a scape goat or fear of  going to jail.

- American people have the right to their political beliefs and verbalizing what they think without fear of getting targeted by the IRS.

- Elderly and disabled have the right keep their healthcare and assistance without fear of dying from lack of care or being on the street.

- American people have the right to  live in a safe neighborhood without Foreign illegal Criminals with known records released on our streets to do harm.

- American people have the right to their finances without some stolen from them to pay for people who broke the law to come into this country illegally.

- American people have the right to take a stand peacefully with what we oppose going on without being labeled a 'domestic terrorist'.

- American people have the right to bear arms and defend themselves.

- American people have the right to celebrate holidays we have celebrated all our lives with displays we have shared in our communities.

- American people have the right to their health and not be put at risk by illegals with 'diseases' transported into their communities. 

- American people have the right to work without jobs stolen by illegals at companies Obama gave 'incentives' to for hiring them.

- By the way - White lives matter too!

The list goes on and on.

- Bottom Line :  Americans have the right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH and PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY.

We have the right to unite.  We must do this at this time of intense division.  We must express ourselves and stand for our rights because we have this freedom right now.  We cannot continue to watch it slip away from us!    So let's speak and make ourselves heard.  Let's come together and hold our American Flags together.  Let's stand for Justice and oppose corruption.  Let's stand by and with our military, law enforcement, border agents, those who protect us , defend our country, who have also been targeted.  There is too much going wrong in a bad direction fast.  ***Please do not wait to look back later at a time .....when it is gone!

To leave a comment , click on comment below the site topic.  All that is needed is a poster name for the comment to go through.  Tell us what you think.  Feel free to give input regarding a march we would like to do together with American Flags.   We are not a radical or religious group.  We are Americans who care about what is happening.  This is about We The People.  We must do everything we can to do what is right in these very troubled times.  We know that we can and we look forward to hearing from you. 

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