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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

The President is not fully condemning the attacks on Christians or Police


We have had police and Christians attacked with a president who will not fully condemn these attacks.  Instead he is focused on the weapon.  I am not going to get into our right to bear arms right now.  I am going to address the example this president is setting. The example he sets for our impressionable youth, foreigners wanting to come here or criminals violating laws.  He picks and chooses when to speak.  He may speak out supporting black criminals who were killed while resisting police.  Then he chooses to say nothing when innocent  Americans are killed by illegals.  He often stays silent when police officers are killed.  He says nothing of BLM chanting threats against law enforcement.  He appears to take sides and fuel the division.  Instead,  he regulated police with a task force that led police to be told to stand down in riots.  Many injuries occurred.   

In a speech recently he labeled people who think he wants to stay in office beyond his term as 'crack pots'!  I don't care if he disagrees with them , he is outright calling Americans 'crack pots'.  Even those who do not believe in such speculation still hear his words.  What he says has influence.

But, we cannot change the president's behavior.  We also cannot wait for him to change his ways when he has proven that he is going to do what he wants regardless of what people think.   However, we do have the 1st Amendment right to speak out  to hold him accountable. 

  Section 4. Impeachment

The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. - See more at:


  If he is aiding illegals who violated our laws to get here and releasing foreign criminals with known criminal records , he should be held accountable.  If he is contributing to public endangerment with reckless misconduct, he should be held accountable.  If he is bypassing congress or re-writing laws on his own, he should be held accountable.  When he violated a court order put through by Federal Judge Hanen , he should have been held accountable.  If he is violating his oath of office while committing high crimes or misdemeanors, he should be impeached.  When he violates laws, he sets the precedence for other criminals.  He empowers them.  When the president acts above the law, others do too   We will always have criminal activity in our society.   Now it is clearly escalating and fueled in part by unlawful actions allowed to be taken by this president .  

Reckless Endangerment Law & Legal Definition


Reckless endangerment is a crime consisting of acts that create a substantial risk of serious physical injury to another person. The accused person isn't required to intend the resulting or potential harm, but must have acted in a way that showed a disregard for the foreseeable consequences of the actions

Aiding and Abetting

In criminal law, aiding and abetting is the crime of assisting in the commission of a crime. This assistant is known as the accessory to the crime. The accessory does not actually commit the illegal act, but his or her actions may have allowed a crime to occur.

Aiding and abetting is a criminal offense that may land the accessory to the crime in prison. Depending on the crime that was committed, the accessory may face criminal or misdemeanor charges. Either charge may permanently remain on the individual’s criminal record.


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1


We shall not have to live  in this chaos stirred by the president who appears to have no regard for the law and less regard for some incidents of Americans losing their lives!   He may never change, but we deserve to witness his accountability for everything he has done that in turn has impacted our lives

We want to bring more peace to our society and save America.  We want them to see us coming.  We want them to hear our voices.  We want them to see our signs.  We want the world to see that we do NOT accept what he is doing to America.  We will not allow these violations of law to destruct our country.  We will show that we care about our country and the lives of fellow Americans.  We are NOT what he says we are.  Crazies, radicals, extremists, crack pots, etc.  We are law abiding citizens with stronger morals than anyone may think.  We oppose the attacks on Christians, Law Enforcement and Innocent Americans.  We oppose ALL that he will NOT!

God Bless America!

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