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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Supporters of our president are not Patriots???

Here is an example of what is happening.  I watched the video of the rally Maxine Waters had.  She literally told the crowd supporters of our president are not patriots, we don't care about the country or what is right.  Then, she continued to incite the crowd.  This is rude, outrageous and so very wrong!  To insult supporters of our president who care about our country very much in this way is unacceptable! 

This is all the more reason, we need to unite in large numbers to stand peacefully with American Flags to show our support for our country.  This really has gone too far.  The labels being cast on us who are good people, who care about what is best for our country and fellow Americans is spreading far.  First we are 'racist'. Then, we are 'hateful' (as they spew hatred themselves), now we are not Patriots and do not care for our country or what is right?

We MUST show them differently!  If you would like to leave a comment, just click on comment below any blog topic.  All that is needed is a posting name.  Other fields can be left blank and it will go through.  Time varies due to the site set up approval process.  Thank you for your time!


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