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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Secrets and Lies

Right now we are walking on a treadmill of ongoing secrets and lies.  Americans feel the administration is corrupt beyond anything we have seen.  There have been endless scandals with no results or accountability.  We the people have lost trust in most everything being said and done.  We have heard Obama lie to us about the enemy being a JV Team, while they are clearly strengthening.  We have heard Obama label our foreign policy success's like Yemen, months before it completely failed.  We have watched Obama fire high ranking military and secretaries of defense who have not done what he wants. 

The Freedom of Information Act allows us to information we want to see, but reports say the White House has requested to screen things first, before requests are granted.  So we have censorship instead of the transparency promised.  Thousands of requests denied?  We were told the Healthcare would save Americans money and it is costing them more money.  Some people have to drive over 2 hours to be covered at a hospital , losing their local health assistance.  Some areas now have Americans in need of help through Medicaid required to pay $400.00 monthly deductible before receiving coverage.  How will they afford the $400.00 monthly payment if they are in need?  Is the $400.00 to go toward the cost of healthcare assistance for Illegals?

When Illegals were transported by Homeland Security by bus and plane in 2014, many locations including Governors were not even told they were arriving!  Another secret.  We have yet to hear what all those transports cost!  We only hear how it is too expensive to deport so many who violated the law to come here and did not follow the appropriate process to come to live in America.  The diseases that were in the detention centers were another issue to be kept secret.  Health care workers reported they were told not to speak about the illnesses!  More and more secrets that threaten American lives!

We have the Jade Helm 15 operation that is raising all kinds of questions. There are witness reports and videos of large amounts of equipment being shipped in to areas for this operation.  Some of the equipment reported is very concerning.  A mystery  it continues to be.  Why?  Michigan residents were just alarmed to hear explosions in their area without warning.  Houses shook and people were scared.  They were not even told in time that this would be happening.  Why would there be such secrecy?  Who is responsible for the impact this has on American citizens or their reported 'shaking' home structures?

Americans deserve the truth.  We are tired of the lies, the secrets, the risk to our lives with the invasion at our border, the riots and what we see to be endless corruption and violations of the law.  We deserve to have our country defended and our border secured.   We deserve our freedom.  We have a right to know what is happening.  All who betray us with criminal actions should be held accountable because we are the ones victimized by these reckless actions.  We believe uniting is the only way to seek truth, justice and stay safe.  We offer this site here to come together and stand strong so these 'dividers' do not get the best of us.

We are not radical.  We are not a political or religious site.  We are simply American.  We don't want to lose anymore than we already have  We want to stand together - for all we have ever known this country to be.  We know that lies, corruption, evil , hatred and violence steal everything we have.  We are better than this and we demand respect.  This means AMERICANS are to be made a priority. Our rights, our freedom, our safety and security.  We will stand for this, but we are asking for truth and justice.  We are also asking for anyone reading this to give feedback  If we want to come together in a positive way, we  must connect in this way here.  

To leave a comment, click on comment below any site topic.  Enter a poster name or none at all (anonymously) and it will go through.  Time varies for it to show up at the site, Thank you for being here.  We look forward to hearing from you.  We must stay strong in these very difficult times and never let go of our rights.  Let's unite to do what is right for this country! 

God Bless America!

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