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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Political Correctness - Stealing America one step at a time!

America is not one sided.  This free country is not about surrendering to political correctness.  Selective groups walking around picking out everything they can find to be offensive to THEM.  Constant demands for things that were once freely accepted to be removed, taken down, forced off limits or moved per their demands to another location.  Schools restricting some religious things, yet forcing another, such as Islam.  Hypocrite actions running wild.  Activities canceled because a group demands them to be.  Extreme actions taken not to upset these individuals who feel offended.  Instead of negotiation, things are now getting ruled in extreme ways.  Their way. 

We are all individuals with our own beliefs and ways of life.  Where is the respect of others?  There is not even respect for history now, as demands caused a historic statue to be moved.  What is it these people want to gain?  Why is it all about what they want  in this way of thinking as if no-one else matters?  People are giving in to their demands.  Some are threatened to be sued!  This is not leading to the acceptance of Americans living together in this country.  It is dividing Americans who think differently with a force out there that is destructive. 

As this progresses, anger escalates.  Resentment towards others increases.  Our society should in no way be based on stripping away what others care about.  It is not about changing history.  It is not about giving in to only one way of thinking.  We have lived years with multiple monuments on our lands, decorations for holidays , multiple religions and wide range of beliefs.  We have lived together with the freedom in this country to be who we are as individuals.  Now, it is all changing.  People are nervous to be labeled. They are even afraid to defend what once was allowed that is now getting stolen from them. 

There is this underlying sense of turmoil they want to 'avoid'.  Why are particular people wanting to cause this friction?  There have always been things that we may pass by and not agree with.  There have always been items other choose to share with the public and the choice for those who don't take part in it.  Suddenly it is getting narrowed down to the ways of those who complain. Once again, 'their way'.  But their complaints are extreme.  They see something somewhere and they don't want it to 'exist'.  Remove it, cancel it, STOP IT.  This my friends is NOT America as we know it!  Take a look at these examples below.

Little Girls Kicked Out of Grocery Store for ‘Offending’ Customers With Christmas Carols




These are examples of the political correctness spreading like wildfire - starting at the top - Obama -.  Look into it and see just how far it has spread and think about this fire getting out of control, burning up America like nothing we have seen in our life time. 

What do you think about it?  Click on comment below this blog topic to give feedback or any other topics in archives.  The more we are aware, the better.  The more we unite even better.  To do what is right to protect our country and fellow patriots, the best.

God Bless America!




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