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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Options and Actions

When we want to stand by the values of our country and preserve our freedom, we must think of our options and actions that we can take.  Of course voting is important when we believe in those we are voting for and it coincides with our morals.  But, there are many other things we can consider doing to make a positive difference:

- We can participate in social media and let our voices be heard

- We can start and/or sign petitions

- We can choose to unite, to march in a peaceful way to celebrate our country and goals

- We can write, spread truth and facts wherever we can

- We can consider filing a case against those in political power, if we are harmed (for instance: in a hate attack or by an illegal criminal)

- We can always consider a class action suit if we see fit, regarding public endangerment due to the negligence of the true invasion at our border

- We can set up local support groups to discuss what is best for our country and how we the people can unite to help

- We can call our local representatives at any time

- We can write letters to those in Washington DC.  Let them know what you feel, think and request

- We can help to make our communities safer


We are certainly on a path of turbulence with many issues of corruption happening.  There is much at stake.  It is the action of many people together, that will make the difference. 

And of course we can pray. 


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