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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Offensive Vs. Safety?

It appears what started off as reasonable 'opposition' is now heading for a 'collision course'.  We the people, Governors and Congress are concerned for the safety of our country .  We are concerned about the ISIS infiltration into the refugee migration.  Reports already show that one of the attackers in France could have entered there with the refugees.  ISIS has already boasted about having gunmen in with the refugees.  America has been directly 'threatened' in recent days. 

With all the controversy with the vetting process, how can they be vetted for certain?  How can it be 'proven' any refugee is not a trained recruit of ISIS?  That would not be documented.  In addition, we have already witnessed thousands of illegals allowed to come in our country, aided by Obama and then transported to all parts of the country.  We have witnessed the illegals with known criminal records released onto our streets.  We have witnessed felons released from Federal Prisons.  Why would anyone believe the refugees are going to be handled differently?

Obama says, to those who oppose this are 'offensive'.

Obama says those who oppose this are something on the lines of  playing on fear.

Obama says, this is not the American way.

Obama says, the world is watching and this opposition needs to 'stop'.

Obama portrays us as not caring about orphans and widows!

This is NOT an issue of whether we care or not!  This is a reasonable concern for Americans safety, not political or using fear to fabricate a risk to the public!  Obama wants to veto efforts by Congress now.  When he says the world is watching, they are watching him have no regard for the American people or other politicians.  But they may also witness Americans uniting to show refusal to accept his reckless actions.  The true offensiveness is the use of blame, guilt and manipulation to control the American people.  If anything has to STOP , it is this.

God Bless America.  Be vigilant and safe!

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