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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Obama is taking charge of local law enforcement. The impact it has on them and results that follow.

Local law enforcement must be able to do the job they are trained to do.  They need to be able to do their job without fear of their actions being twisted into wrong doing by politicians who continue to turn the issue of criminal profiling into racial profiling.  An officer should not have to go to work thinking that one mistake or misconception can lead to them being the center attention on the news, the reason for destructive riots, portrayed as guilty before proven guilty and possible wrongful arrest.  This job is already one that puts their life on the line with much to bear for stress dealing with violent people and crisis.  To add stress from politicians who think they know it all , never having done this job, spending their time pushing critical feedback is increasing the pressure law enforcement live with and putting their lives in even more danger.

After Ferguson riots, Obama pushed forward his Police Task Force in December 2014.  This was beginning of the changes he decided to bring about for police.  As he announced there would be these changes, it was as if he sided with the criminals in the incidents that were protested.  In turn, giving the message to criminals that police have indeed done wrong and need to be 'changed'.  This empowered the criminals.   Did it stop violent protesters? No.  Did it lead to police having more difficult time dealing with protesters later?  Yes.  Did it lead to police being targeted with more threats? Yes.  Is crime now on the rise?  Yes. 

Below are some changes that have come about:

In May 2015, the New York Post reported that since Mayor Bill de Blasio refused to defend NYC's Stop and Frisk policy in court, the murder rate in the borough increased by 45% and the number of people shot nearly doubled. According to New York Post, the numbers of people killed provide the percentage: "16 murders to date in 2015 versus 11 in 2014."

We also know that Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rowlings Blake met with Obama's police task force in January 2015.

Then .....violent protests break out in Baltimore in April 2015.  What does she do?  It is reported she told police to 'stand down'.

What do these messages changes and restrictions lead to?  The impact is shown below:

It is clear what is happening and it is only escalating.  What is being planned while this continues?  Obama's next proposed steps:

Is Obama's planned result of all this the America we know?  No it is not.  Does this sound like freedom to you?  We must stand for what we know America to be.  We must stand with our local law enforcement.  I have mentioned before,  I know there are some corrupt police who actually do criminal activity with criminals.  This does not make all police corrupt.  The worst part of this is watching police who are doing their job trying to stop criminals with lengthy criminal records being 'targeted'.  While the few corrupt individuals turning their backs on criminal activity , targeting innocent law abiding citizens going ignored, left hiding in the shadows.  Now this is twisted!

Don't forget that Obama has allowed for the release of thousands of illegals with known criminal records onto our streets to add to this growing crime rate, leaving the job for police only that much more challenging.  We must ask why this president wants to create an atmosphere that supports criminals and weakens our defense and protection.  Law abiding citizens will continue to be led down a volatile path that puts each and every one of us in danger. This is why we must unite for what we truly believe to be justice and make our voices heard.   Let's remember ----- the one giving these orders, making these changes and creating task forces to dictate matters, has shown to be in violation of laws himself, still not held accountable!  We must demand that he is!

To leave feedback OR support for law enforcement please click on comment below the blog topic.  All that is needed is a poster name and the comment will go through.  Time varies for it to show up on the site.  We believe it is vitally important for Americans who care about this country to unite , stand and BE HEARD.  Thank you for visiting.



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