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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Media Censorship

There is certainly media censorship happening.  As we know CNN has already had to backtrack on stories they reported after turning out to be wrong.  Now, we have Judge Jeannine on Fox News who reported facts about Omar and she is suspended!  Yet, Omar in congress, is allowed to insult our ally Israel and Jewish people?  In addition, they have hired the former DNC chair, as a commentator.  I recall the democrats saying they will get rid of Fox News.  I do not know if that means, taking it over or whether Fox will lose so many viewers, they will shut down.

Regardless, this is outright wrong.  People mock President Trump for calling out the media and saying "fake news", but he is pointing out the truth.  I thank him for pointing out the truth on many things.  People also mock him for using twitter.  Well, what would you do if you were him and media were telling lies about you or not reporting progress you were making?  I would go somewhere like twitter also, to let the facts be known.

The public deserves fair reporting and Fox should no longer call themselves fair and balanced.  I no longer watch Fox News and have also removed their App from my phone.  I also no longer participate in Facebook because of being blocked so many times with violation of my free speech when I only reported facts.  This does not mean I am silenced.  I will continue to speak and find my outlets to do it.  It does mean, I refuse to be involved with those who feel they have the right to silence me and violate my right to free speech!

It is very concerning this is happening.  I am also noticing the Democrats turning to the states to pass bills to fit their agenda, to keep pushing it forward regardless of President Trump.  Yes, states have this right.  But, we are now seeing them try to pass bills regarding voting.  One state wants to go by popular vote.  Washington wants to take him off the ballot if he doesn't provide tax returns.  Of course, they are trying to allow 16 year olds to vote and illegals.  Let me remind you, those in prison here don't vote.

There is a concerning pattern of control here. Coordination to rule the media, change the voting, stop us from speaking facts that expose things, etc.  Please think about this.  It is happening.  It is real and it is wrong.    If you would like to leave a comment here, click on comment below any blog topic. Only a posting name is required, other fields can be left blank.  There is only an approval process 1st due to the Jigsy website set up, that is all.  So we must see it to get it in there.  We may not allow abuse and hateful or harmful comments, but we want to do our best to allow freedom of speech. 

Thank you for your time visiting. 

God Bless America!

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