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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Make Them Explain

Notice how the news covers all the 'disapproval' for the border security wall, but does not cover the reasons why?  These Democrats wanted the wall before.  Yet, none are explaining the exact reasons they oppose it now. 

We need to make them explain.  That means even going to the Democrat Presidential Candidate events and asking WHY?  Many questions why, actually.  Why do you oppose having a border security wall?  Why do you allow violation of the immigration law?  Why do you approve of giving free care to illegals when there are Americans losing their homes due to healthcare costs?  Why do you allow organized crime to come across the border, knowing they are making it here to our communities?  Why don't you visit the ranchers and border agent's wives who have requested visits to see what is happening?  The question as to why they are opposing border security in so many ways, needs to be addressed.

We the people can sit and do nothing, as was done through most of the Obama Administration. But, if that is the choice made with all these things we dislike, we will face the consequences.  We have to take steps to challenge what is shoved upon us that we disagree with.  We have to make our voices heard.  Doing nothing, will accomplish nothing.  One person, such as President Trump cannot fix all this mess we are in.  It takes numbers and we must unite.  Any feedback or ideas you have are welcome at this site.  I do ask you to think about what you are willing 'to do' for our country.

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God Bless America!

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