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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Islamic Compounds in the US   (This link may take a moment to load, while seeing the Jigsy Logo)

In May of 2019, it is reported the FBI found a terrorist training compound in Alabama.  The latest information is that there have been 4 arrests, but I do not know exactly how many.  According to the Washington Examiner during the 8 years Obama was in office, Obama brought 43,000 Somali refugees to the United States.  Also reports Obama brought a totals of 680,000 Muslims to the United States.  Think about that for a moment.  Think about the numbers and the fact that it has been proven a terrorist training compound was found on our land.

In addition during the Obama Administration, ISIS bragged about having infiltrated the refugees and stated they have their operatives here.  We have proven they do.  Training here, on our home land.  I once saw a map of camps for refugees around the country.  It is unknown how many compounds are training for terrorist attacks.  I also remember Obama put through an order for no surveillance at Islamic Mosques by law enforcement.  So this restricts us knowing the activity at those places, as well.  As it has been extensively covered at this site that there has not only been an anti-American agenda he implemented, but infiltration of our country.

This should concern every Patriot living here.  As you know, it only takes an order given by a leader for these people to attack us.  How much easier it is, when they are already here, training, prepared and knowing all about our inner infrastructure.  This doesn't include any of the information he passed onto them.  At a time like this, when we are seeing an attempted Coup of our current president who is trying to make America great again, we must be vigilant.  I cannot say this enough.  We must watch for any suspicious activity.  We must be prepared to defend ourselves.  We must also be prepared for survival if there were to be an attack on a large scale. 

 I am not trying to be an alarmist.  I am reporting facts and legitimate concerns.  We have seen the depth of corruption.  It is blatantly seen before our eyes.  We can recount the actions of Obama or better yet, take a look back on this site to the years that he was in office.  There is a series of calculated actions that he took in his plan to transform America.  He has been proven to be a fraud, a liar and corrupt.  Mia Marie, who knew him as Barry in his college years, speaks of him as a pathological liar.  He is a good one at that!  He can lie, calculate, manipulate and turn the coin when he chooses to cover what he is doing.  Although his behavior does create a pattern that can be followed.  I read today that his family re-instated a citizenship in Kenya.  Whether true or not, this is said to be able to protect him from charges against him here.

Even if he were choose to do this in time, he can still travel around the world like he does.  He can still meet with others and he can still give orders.  Just as any leader of a terrorist group is known for doing.  I am not saying to give up on Justice.  We must fight for justice united, until the end.  However, we must stay vigilant as well because we know what they are capable of doing.  We know what he is capable of doing.  We have to do everything we can to stand with our president and keep America great!  Thank you for taking the time to be here and read this.  It is very important to think about if we care about our country, fellow Americans and what is ahead for us!



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