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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Horrid Stories - We must be heard and help save innocent babies

The stories are horrid.  Testimony of injecting a baby as it suffers, then letting it rest before it is then killed?  An undercover video showing woman talk about how the baby is killed and then telling a woman if baby is born, flush the baby down the toilet?  More and more is reported about the horrific details of what happens to these babies.  It is very hard to stomach.  These new late term abortion bills are evil.  If a baby survives an abortion, the baby can still be killed?  It goes on and on.

We the people, who have morals left, must speak up however we can to protect these innocent babies!  It may seem that evil is just taking over all over the place, but we must stand up to it and do the righteous thing!  Also if you disagree with what is happening, please research all those who are voting for this and do not vote for them.  How can we allow this to be happening if we have a conscience? 

They say it is the woman's 'choice'.  No!  We have laws about murder and it is not the woman's choice to allow her baby to be murdered.  This is exactly what is happening!  Planned parenthood allows this.  Please do everything you can to stand up for LIFE.  God granted life on earth and we are blessed.   We the people are strong and must resist these new actions coming about that are beyond words. 

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