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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Hope and Opportunity?

First, we would like to give our condolences for everyone going through the traumatic attack that just happened in France.  We have seen too much of this happening.  It continues to break our hearts to see the pain and loss people are enduring.  Our thoughts are directed towards calmness and peace for you during this difficult time in the healing process. 


Here in the United States there is discussion as to how we prevent further incidents from happening.  However, the president spoke today and explained that we need to beat this by providing 'Hope and Opportunity'.  Does he mean this for the criminals he releases onto our streets?  Does he mean this for the foreigners who violate laws to get here?  Does he mean this for the refugees not properly vetted that he brings to our communities?  Does he mean this for the protesters who are consumed with violating laws, disrupting the public and turning gatherings into riots?

One thing is wanting criminals who cannot manage their criminal acts to get 'help'.  It is entirely different and even empowering to eliminate consequences, hoping by freeing them they will suddenly have 'opportunity' and respect the law.  We cannot be a lawless society or one without 'limits'.  We cannot continue to gamble with American citizens lives with the continual actions we have already seen have failed.  The actions have brought harm to people.  

Where is hope and opportunity for Americans watching their lives restricted by more and more public endangerment?  What hope and opportunity is given to law abiding citizens who try to speak out regarding the events happening only to be labeled as 'racist'?  Hope and opportunity is destroyed for those targeted by the reckless actions we keep witnessing that we addressed at this site.  Evidence exists in a trail of cases that have happened here.  Hope diminishes when people continue to feel unheard while nothing is being done to get to the core of the problem.

We are strong Americans to have endured these years of reckless behavior, lack of justice, division and attacks on our freedom.  Look at the changes that have come about to our way of life, and our surroundings.  We also watch atrocities in other countries spread and see the strength of the people there too.  It is in this 'strength' that we must unite.  We must not be silenced.   

To stand by Justice is to face the truth that there is evil in humanity, in any race, religion, etc and the evil actions must be stopped with firm 'consequences'.  Hope and opportunity is first reserved for the law abiding citizens who earned it with regard  for the law and fellow Americans lives. 

We deserve to speak.  We deserve to be safe.  We deserve truth and justice.  Not the darkest of days will take all this from us.  We are equal and stand by our beliefs in strength. 

God Bless America!





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