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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Happy Veteran's Day 100th Anniversy!

First of all, I would like to thank every veteran for your service!  This is a very special day to celebrate everyone who has helped our country to be safe and a place of freedom. I thank everyone who has sacrificed so much to do this for us.  It was wonderful to see President Trump honor our veterans today as well.  We are grateful for you all and our president of the United States.

I thought of a relative today, as we heard stories about World War 2.  I thought of many others I know who have served for our country.  I also thought back to November 11, 2015 when I wrote a letter, published by the local editor titled 'Let's display our flags and thank those who serve'.  I remember it was a time of unsettling transformation in our country, at that point.  When it seemed political correctness was taking over everything.   A time when our law enforcement needed support too.  So much was under attack within our own borders.  As always, I think it is important to thank our veterans and police whenever we can.  We can unite by doing this.

Now, I still see the division and those who want to continue to attack our rights and the values of our country.  But, I also see more unity now than I did on November 11, 2015.  We are coming together in the millions to make sure we rebuild our country as we know it to be!  We are grateful for the blessings we have here.  We are fortunate to have a hard working president guiding us to do this!  We will keep America great.  We will continue to stay focused and fight for all we believe.  We will NEVER give up!

I send my prayers to those who have been wounded and lost in our battles.  I send positive thoughts to all the survivors.  If it weren't for you all, we would not have what we do.  I hope that you all have a great day today, including any other visitors viewing this site right now and all the supporters out there who are part of this positive movement that we are witnessing.  It sure is making history! 

Poem Added:

Thank you to all, for your sacrifice made

Fighting for our safety and freedom

Bringing us shining light in the shade

Thank you for caring about our country and our lives

Through losses and lonely times you've endured

All of your bravery that carries on and strives

Happy Veterans Day to you all!

Thank you for your dedication and service

We are forever grateful for your call!



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