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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Everything Connects!

You can look back on anything at this site and it will all connect back to Obama.  It will show that absolutely everything going on with this mess we are in today, connects to HIM in one way or another.  We hear a lot about corruption in the Justice Dept, etc and corrupt people from his administration, but they all worked under him.  One truth he told in all his lies is that he wanted to 'transform' America.  He certainly has been achieving that and if we want to save America, we must unite together with President Trump to do this. 

Most importantly, Obama must be held accountable to Keep America Great.  Not only did he do this damage and create this mess, but he is still working at it.  He is seriously a threat to our country.  He has still been silent since al-Baghdadi was killed, other than a tweet for an endorsement of a terrorist relative.  His silence is something to be focused on, because when he is working behind the scenes in silence, it is the worst!  All criminals develop a 'pattern' over time and he has created one to see for those who pay attention and it is imperative that we do!

Hopefully the report we are waiting on that is claimed to include upper level indictments will include HIM.  Soros is also working with him and funding money to influence our local state elections.  They are working hard indeed.  But, we can be thankful we have a president working hard to tackle all this every single day!  In addition, there are now millions of Patriots who support him.  We must turn this ship around now, or we will lose everything.  Please take the time to vote and join in social media with our fight to save the values of our country.  Every person makes a positive difference. 

I know today, many patriots on twitter lost followers.  It is something that twitter does, to divide us and censor us.  If you are a patriot who loves our country and willing to help in a respectful way, you are not removed from this site, if you comment.  I hope to get a live chat going at some point again, as we had one working earlier on.  For now, thank you for being here and reading this important information.  Please stay vigilant, focused and safe.  We can do this! 


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