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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Employment Decline - Who is filling positions? Foreigners

Foreigners are in fact taking over many public positions , Americans need.  Not only is there an increase of hiring foreigners into positions of retail, restaurants and customer service, but these foreigners are not speaking or writing English fluently, clearly or at all!  Meanwhile there are people struggling financially who need general work or those on disability who need some part time work and those who need an extra job to survive only to be turned down with foreigners getting the positions instead.  I know of a situation in which an application was put forth summer of 2015 and hiring did not take place until 2016.  A foreigner who could not speak English fluently was hired first , even with the other person having extensive experience. 

There is more of a need for Americans to earn extra money due to the next topic that will be included at our site regarding the issues of healthcare.  However, it seems there will be more of this increase in job 'take over' due to the transports of foreigners into our communities.  We experienced a surge of illegals transported by homeland security who came from Central America.  We also have the issue of Syrian Refugees allowed to come here.  In this area, there are specific white vans that are clearly used to transport them because one was seen stopped at a convenient store.  The van was completely filled up with foreigners.  Some of these vehicles have out of state license plates and some have local in state license plates.

So, this is how Americans are being treated?  Hit with higher costs for necessities, drastic changes in healthcare costs with additional issues for those with healthcare needs, increasing taxes, etc...while people are prevented from being able to care for themselves and loved ones due to foreigners stealing their opportunities to survive?  What gives the foreigners the rights to make the money we the people need to work for?  What gives them the right to step into these positions without even having the ability to communicate properly with others, to do the job required?

Addressing this problem has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with fairness for American Citizens.  Americans have worked hard to gain experience whether it be through starting at college or hands on throughout while learning the exact tasks to do a job accordingly.  For the average person, nothing is just handed to them.  Yet, these foreigners are given priority coming here in such a way  and it is hurting Americans way of life with the decline of employment.  There can be polls, statistics, media reports or politicians running around saying what they want.  The proof is within your community.   Take a look at the stores and establishments you visit.  It is changing monthly.  It is also experienced by those who are trying for the employment and  faced with the delays, hurdles or dead ends  because of this happening.

Americans do not deserve to be blocked in this way from getting work to survive.  Americans deserve to retain positions they are prepared and qualified to do.  The loss of employment from the take over that is in fact happening is wrong.  Americans come first.  This is how it should be and this is something we need to continue to fight for because while the focus is on all the activity of the elections and other things, this is carrying on at a fast pace around us.  It can be verified with observation while also gathering reports from anyone who has experienced the downfall from it.  

If you would like to comment or give input from what you have seen in your community, click on comment below the topic.  All that is needed is a poster name for the comment to go through. Other fields can be left blank, not required.  Time varies for it to show up at the site.  The site is checked regularly.  Thanks for visiting.  Let's do what is right for our country together.  One day at a time.  One topic at a time.  We must show what is happening and not sit back in silence as if this is ok , when it is NOT.

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God Bless America!

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