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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Atmosphere of Hatred

We are certainly living through an atmosphere of 'hatred'.  Honestly, this division started with Obama.  This mess we are dealing with now, also stems from the Obama Administration.  All it takes is looking back on prior documentation in this blog.  However, here we are trying to clean up this mess and turn things around and the hatred has escalated. 

It is completely unacceptable for those who care about the safety of our country to be labeled racists, haters, etc.  We who look at the facts regarding the border invasion, do care about people. In fact, we care very much for the illegal women bound and gagged by human smugglers and raped daily.  We care about the children heading to the border, taken by Human Smugglers to porn rings to be abused.  But, we don't hear those opposing border security talking about that!  We care about laws!  We as Americans must abide by the laws or there is consequence and there is no difference with others.  But, those who want immigrants to illegally violate the law to come to our country as they please (for what they want to get here) laws do not matter.  So, if we care about justice, that does not make us hateful people. 

It is a sad place we are in, when people are verbally attacked for wanting to protect our country, stand by our country values and protect American lives.  So yes, there is an inappropriate level of hatred spinning and we will not allow it here at this site.  Hatred, division and lies are not going to help our country by any means.  We do our best to present the facts here.  We have always believed in uniting in a peaceful way for our country with all we are faced with.  The nonsense needs to stop.  However, there is nothing we can do about those who oppose these things, who refuse to listen to facts.

So, if you are feeling discouraged by everything that is going on, this is the place to speak, vent, give ideas and support each other.  There are views increasing, since we re-started the site.  However, participation is what will make it more successful.  We will keep up with it as we choose and enter information.  Comments are important in order to work toward making a positive difference and together we can.  If you choose to comment, all that is needed is a posting name.  The other fields can be left blank.  Time varies for the comments to show up due to being approved first.  Thank you for visiting.

God Bless America!


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