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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

A POEM to think about

Moral Test


As the wind howls outside in the night

Things thrash around breaking with its might

I think about the good and evil

Raising their faces, showing their will

Brewing like a storm in our country

 A storm bound for landing, not to flee

A time of reckoning is showing

As we watch and we speak without knowing,

What the damage will be when it’s done

Who will survive retaining blessed love?

Who will hold onto faith from above?

Pleas for justice are calling abound

Some facts disappear without a sound

Spreading truth, not games, mean the most now

To hold onto it, through this somehow

Faith is the answer, restoring hope

As we travel this slippery slope

Let us not forget our core values

In the whirlwind of hatred on news

As the wind howls, keep calm inside

Emerge from conflict, knowing we tried

The truth is the seed within your heart

Do not let it go or break apart

This influential turmoil is strong

Many choices to make right or wrong

With every single moral test,

Winds may be strong, so let’s do our best



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