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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

A Break

There is going to be a break from this site for now. Recently, AG Barr reported that for now Durham's investigation will not include a criminal investigation into Obama or Biden. This is disturbing news. This site has always been about truth and justice. It is what is needed to make America great again. If you review the facts or previous topics, you will see why. I always believed a legitimate team would need to do this or Americans would need to unite together to demand this to be done for the sake of our country and our safety. At this point neither is happening. It is not useful for me to reiterate the wrong doing or repeatedly point out the facts, if nothing is going to be done about it. So, for now, there will be no topics added to the site. Time will tell if there is the need to continue. I thank everyone who has taken the time to visit. Stay well. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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